Yog is a science of life not therapy; however it has been observed that many health problems are reduced or eliminated by practicing Yog.
Yoga Institutes and Yog experts have started working on this aspect and offer various combination of asanas , pranayams etc to tackle various kinds of illnesses.
Regular practise of Yoga is known to keep sickness away. In many cases it helps to cure health challenges completely and in some it arrests the progress of the disease and gives the patient better quality of life with minimum pain and suffering.
It is an added advantage that Dr. Kshitija along with being a Yoga Pandit is also a qualified Doctor. She is able to understand a person's health condition and can guide him/her to the type of yoga that is suitable to him/her. Moreover she can advice them to the extent to which they should stretch their body and when to stop.
Our Yoga therapy sessions aims at offering the best combination of exercises and pranayams to help our patients to reach optimum health physically and emotionally in a environment of peace and happiness.