Effects of the three different paces of Suryanamaskar
Suryanamaskar is liked and accepted widely all over the world. It is a basic and best type of exercise in which contraction and relaxation of various parts of our body along with inhalation ( holding breath within) and exhalation (holding breath outside) is done.
In this form of exercise, reciting Suryamantra, pranayam along with the physical exercise is practised. It can be safely concluded that Suryanamaskar is the best, perfect and holistic exercise form.
In India and worldwide though Suryanamskars are performed in various patterns and pace , causing different beneficial effects over the body and mind, but the core aims are the same in all forms.
Suryanamskars are performed in three different paces
- Slow Pace
- Medium Pace
- Fast Pace
1. Slow Pace:
In this pace of Suryanamskars all the poses are helf for 1 to 3 minutes. While transitioning from one pose to another we practise purak then rechak and then we breathe normally while we hold the pose.
This form of pace gives us enough time to relax and remove unwanted stretch and at the same time create the neccessary stretch, eventually leading us to acheive perfect poses. This kind of practice helps in strengthening of muscles, joints and spine. The contraction and relaxation of various parts of our body creates a very good effect externally and internall right up to the cellular level of the body.
Our body develops a tremendous capacity to bear various states of body and mind and at the same time it increases the flexibilty and strength of our body.
In every pose of Suryanamskar the blood supply is directed to the respective organs. Eg.
- Uttanasan, Adhomukashvanasan being head low poses, blood supply to the brain is very well directed.
- In Bhujangasan, blood supply is directed towards the thoracic region, heart and lungs.
- In Ashtangstithi blood supply is directed towards the abdomen.
- In Ardhabhujangasan blood supply is directed towards legs, joints and muscles.
If each pose is done with perfection, steadiness and held with comfort in body and mind and also with appropriate breathing one can attain the atate of Dharana effectively.
Brain centers which have become hyper or overactive will become stable and those brain centers that have become sluggish or dull will get activated thus helping us reach a balanced state of being. Eventually it improves our willpower and makes us more patient.
Suryanamaskar creates a good effect on our Endochrine system and indirectly helps us attain hormanal balance.
Suryanamskar is an unique remedy for various health problems.
Repetiton of slow pace Suryanamskars 2 - 3 times relieves our body from stress and makes our body and mind calm and energetic.
2. Medium Pace:
In this pace each pose is held for 2-5 seconds and repeated 12 to 14 times.
Medium pace Suryanamaskar is done easily without getting tired and be performed with ones full capacity. It increases the flexibility of our body, joints muscles, spine and lungs. It improves the blood circulation througout the body.
Practice of medium pace Suryanamaskar helps us to acheive difficult form of asanas like Kurmasan, Paschimottanasan, Chakrasan , Kapotasan etc.
3. Fast Pace:
Every pose of Suryanamaskar is held for 1 second. In this pace we can do 60 to 108 repititions of Suryanamaskar.
This pace increases your breathing rate, circulation of blood and also can elevate your Blood pressure.. There is an increase in rate of metabolism, thus leads to burning of fats. Improved blood circulation strengthens the muscular and skeletal system. It helps in tonng the muscles also. This pace is widely accepted worldwide.
After fast pace Suryanamaskar its important to relax and rest observing the breathing movements and thus we attain a stressfree and energetic state of body and mind.
All three paces of Suryanamaskar are equally effective and beneficial.