Different Ways of Practicing Suryanamaskar

Aundh Method

In our centre we practice Suryanamaskar based on the Aundh method .It is a chain of ten (10) asanas associated with suryamantras and pranayama.

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Starting pose- Namaskar Pose

  1. Urdhwa Hasta Asana

  2. Uttan Asana

  3. Ardha Bhujung Asana 

  4. Hastapad Asana

  5. Ashtang Asana

  6. Bhujung Asana

  7. Adhomukha Shwan Asana

  8. Ardha Bhujung Asana

  9. Uttan Asana

  10. Namaskar Asana

In this method, repetition of Asana is less and more attention is on increasing flexibility of body especially of the hip joint and vertebral column.

Iyengar Method

In this method there is no step of Ardha Bhujung Asana or Hastapad Asana, instead there is Chaturangdand Asana and Urdhvamukha Shwan Asana. This method requires more strength and stamina. It helps to strengthen arms and shoulders.

Prenatal Suryanamaskar

Some alterations have been made in the poses of suryanamaskar for the benefit of pregnant women. This type of suryanamaskar helps pregnant ladies (upto 6 - 7 months) to increase flexibility of hip joints, keep their mind and body active, helps to maintain BP and sugar levels, reduces indigestion problems and cough/cold problems.

Power Suryanamaskar

In this we practice many asanas which are arranged comfortably in a chain of suryanamaskar asanas. Number of asanas varies from 12 to 25 or more.

Diseases cured and controlled by Suryanamaskar

Regular practice of Suryanamskar helps to loose weight, so it helps to reduce Obesity. It also brings the sugar level down and thus controls Diabetes. It has very good effect on endocrine glands so helps to normalize hormonal imbalance , therefore it is effective for patients of hyper and hypothyroidism,poly cystic ovarian disease.complains related to digestion such as hyper acidity, constipation, indigestion get solved. Increases elasticity of lungs, more oxygen absorption and elimination of carbon dioxide with gaseous toxins takes place. So it helps patients of respiratory problems like Asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, allergic bronchitis etc. As it helps to bring down cholesterol levels, blood pressure also becomes normal.

As a result Suryanamaskar is effective for almost all measure systems of body. So it can be practiced for prevention and also for therapeutic purpose.